NFU Mutual introduced NFU Mutual Bespoke in 2015. See how they created awareness and brand activation among AB1 homeowners
Brand recognition, and being at the centre of the country's event calendar, is important in putting NFU Mutual and its local agents front of mind. Networking opportunities, both on a professional and social level, are important to this objective. Maintaining good and cordial relations with current rural customers is also very important
At a grass roots level, Point-to-Point racing resonated as an affordable solution delivering a campaign across several months to independently owned agencies selling NFU Mutual products.
The objective was to place agents in the heart of the rural community they serve, in order for them to meet current and new clients, and secure qualified sales leads for a new home contents insurance product aimed at higher than average home values.
This would be achieved through a meet & greet networking solution staffed by NFU Mutual experts able to talk knowledgeably about the subject in a relaxed environment that would lead to a more formal sales presentation.
The client acquired around 500 qualified sales leads during the campaign.
The campaign comprised 8 Point-to-Point racing events chosen for the strength of the local rural property market and popularity of the racing event.
At each event, the client hosted a walk-in marquee, sometimes co-hosted by the organizer, at which free refreshments and snacks were on offer to the public. Prompts to visit the marquee were made through PA announcements, print advertising in the official event programme, and through branding of the event. The campaign was focused around naming rights to a race to demonstrate NFU Mutual at the heart of the community
NFU Mutual's name recognition within the events was enhanced through a series of visual and audio triggers. The name recognition and refreshments tent laid a foundation for qualified lead generation. The sport was able to accentuate this name recognition through news releases about the events through its weekly e-zine, reaching in excess of 25,000 subscribers each week across the campaign.
An average of 75 leads were captured during each event, with a total in excess of 500.
In addition, current clients were rewarded for brand loyalty with tickets to the events.
The campaign built upon a natural affiliation between the brand and the audience that had been identified by local brand agents to reinforce their presence as the sport's preferred insurance provider.