The Works stock books, toys, gifts, stationery & arts & crafts at discount prices & sell over one million products every week.
The Works despatch millions of books, toys, gifts, stationery and arts & crafts to customers looking for a bargain. Being able to offer competitive prices means focusing on minimising delivery costs while still being able to respond quickly to seasonal fluctuations and changing customer needs. For over 2 years, Whistl
have been a reliable and efficient delivery provider managing over 170,000 items a year.
Whistl introduced a specific carrier solution for The Works' Large Letters and Small Packets together with a separate packing option so that The Works were able to redesign their packaging to support sending more traffic through Whistl. This benefitted in a significant reduction in packaging costs, improvement in pack performance, a lower cost carrier service and stronger account management
These improvements resulted in delivery reliability and efficiency, ultimately converting into cost savings per shipment of between 10-15% against previous couriers and 6% overall improvement on packing. The Works were able to support the rapid growth of their business sending 100% more packets increasing volume from 3000 to 6000 per week within only 18 months.