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Briefing Form
we strive to provide our full members with the best ideas from hundreds of media owners. If you can’t find exactly what you need, why not let us help? Our 'fast brief' service means you can brief relevant media owners via us, quickly and efficiently. We will send out the brief confidentially on your behalf and forward on responses by the given deadline. We can deliver responses within three working days if required.
Please supply quality information as a good brief leads to good ideas - please see the example provided (
Briefing Service Example.doc
Phone (we may have questions!):
Enter your title/reference for this brief:
Please name the Brand/Product and sector you are working on:
What are the Key Characteristics and brand insights for this brand?
What are the Campaign Dates/Timings?
What is the target audience including any key attributes of this group you would like to highlight?
Campaign Objectives – what does the campaign need to achieve? (e.g. awareness, sales, brand perception etc.)
What is your Budget?
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