CASE STUDY: skignz Enhances Uni Campus Navigation & Experience

Provided by skignz
Teesside University enhanced their on campus experience for students. See how they successfully used skignz to engage 25k people

What was the Challenge / Background of the Campaign?

TU were looking for ways to better engage their students, enhance their campus and overall University experience and provide a way to help people navigate around the expanding campus(s) As 75% of people can't read Maps and even more cannot read 3D Illustrated Maps, getting people to change from a 2,000 year old way of navigating around a new place, to using their mobile devices as a viewer to find 'virtual signs in the sky' was more of an educational process than a problem. Now skignz is used an average of 12-14k times per week by students, staff & visitors alike.

What was the Campaign Objective?

TU were looking at ways to be more relevant to their students and with nearly all of their students, staff and visitors owning and using a smartphone - providing relevant content, where they want it and when they want it was a dream they have realised by using skignz! TU have engaged skignz on other levels, to see how the skignz platform can be developed further, integrated into existing University systems and become a core offering to ALL audiences of the University. TU's next aim is to take skignz off campus and out to partner colleges, events etc...

What was the Solution?

TU engaged with skignz to provide the digital platform, but used traditional methods and channels to engage students, staff and visitors to download the skignz app. A special QR code was provided for all literature, website, digital communications and signage, promoting the 'skignz environment' on TU's campuses. Student Radio competitions, freshers events and social media ll contributed to the skignz buzz on campus. All future visitors are requested through varying ways of correspondence to download the app to guide them around campus from Roads, Train & Bus Stations

What were the Results?

skignz has provided an infrastructure that the University can develop a number of different uses for , targeted a specific people in a very focussed way. This platform approach has allowed the University to access new revenue streams never previously been available as well as provide Real Time Public/Private Information to select audiences, depending on who the audience is, what the information is and when/where its required! skignz provides 'search & social in the sky', allowing a min 25k users to 'create content out of thin air' and at no harm to the environment.

What were the Key Learnings of this Campaign?

The key learnings were the users being able to create their own content, engage with friends across campus, so we have redesigned and developed the user interface to aid the social aspect of skignz. By the Summer of 2014 you will be able to pull in your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles into a personal skign above your head, allowing you to only see and be seen by those associated people linked to those accounts! In addition we have been able to increase the amount of analytics available, identify additional sponsorship opportunities & additional revenue streams

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BudgetReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Used
£51k to £100k
16 - 24Both
Campaign LocationCampaign DurationMarketing ObjectiveCampaign Type
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